Themida's photos: Με ούριο άνεμο και πυξίδα τα όνειρά μας,καλοτάξιδο το 2014!!!!.........
Themida's photos: Το νυχτοκάματο των ψαράδων.
Themida's photos: Moments In Eternity.
Themida's photos: Foggy morning.
Themida's photos: Η ομίχλη του μυαλού.
Themida's photos: Dreams in the sand............
Themida's photos: Η κοιλιά του πλοίου.
Themida's photos: The boat that timetables our lives.
Themida's photos: Pacific Evening......
Themida's photos: All your dreams come true.
Themida's photos: My secret paradise.
Themida's photos: Every day.
Themida's photos: Take me a secret place...
Themida's photos: The endless summer....
Themida's photos: Have a good time!!!...
Themida's photos: Follow me...............
Themida's photos: Two is better than one....