Themida Nasopoulou:
Corizus hyoscyami.
Themida Nasopoulou:
Rhinocoris iracundus (Assasin Bug)
Themida Nasopoulou:
Xylocapa violacea (Violet Carpenter Bee), National Pakr of Mt Olympus
Themida Nasopoulou:
Pimelia sp.
Themida Nasopoulou:
Oxythyrea cinctella
Themida Nasopoulou:
Oxythyrea cinctella (Schaum, 1841)
Themida Nasopoulou:
Oxythyrea cinctella (Schaum, 1841)
Themida Nasopoulou:
Oxythyrea cinctella, Mount Olympus
Themida Nasopoulou:
Larinus sp. National Park of Mt Olympus
Themida Nasopoulou:
Pholidoptera sp., National Park of Mt Olympus
Themida Nasopoulou:
Phaneroptera nana
Themida Nasopoulou:
Acrida ungarica
Themida Nasopoulou:
Oedipoda sp.
Themida Nasopoulou:
Anacridium aegyptium (Egyptian grasshopper) Adult
Themida Nasopoulou:
Phaneroptera nana
Themida Nasopoulou:
Saga hellenica
Themida Nasopoulou:
Saga hellenica
Themida Nasopoulou:
Metaplastes ornatus
Themida Nasopoulou:
Mantis religiosa , National Park of Mt Olympus
Themida Nasopoulou:
Mantis religiosa ♀ Lunch time....
Themida Nasopoulou:
Mantis reiligiosa ♂
Themida Nasopoulou:
Limenitis reducta
Themida Nasopoulou:
Iphiclides podalinius (Scarce Swallowtail)
Themida Nasopoulou:
Idae aversata (Riband Wave) Geometridae
Themida Nasopoulou:
Hypparchia statilinus (Tree Grayling)
Themida Nasopoulou:
Gonopteryx rhamni (Brimstone)
Themida Nasopoulou:
"Standing still"
Themida Nasopoulou:
Celastrina argiolus (Holly blue)
Themida Nasopoulou:
Euplagia quadripunctata (Jersey tiger moth)