Themida Nasopoulou:
Flamingo - Lake Koronia
Themida Nasopoulou:
"Pelecanus crispus" (Dalmatian pelicans)
Themida Nasopoulou:
"Whitestork: a beloved friend of the farmers"
Themida Nasopoulou:
Chiks on the back!
Themida Nasopoulou:
(European) Robin (Erithacus rubecula) Κοκκινολαίμης
Themida Nasopoulou:
European robin
Themida Nasopoulou:
(European) robin
Themida Nasopoulou:
Happy New Year!
Themida Nasopoulou:
Common Chafinch
Themida Nasopoulou:
Ψαρόνια - Starlings
Themida Nasopoulou:
Καρβουνιάρης - Black redstart (Phoenicurus ochruros)
Themida Nasopoulou:
Enjoying the winter sun
Themida Nasopoulou:
Αργυροπελεκάνος - Dalmatian Pelican
Themida Nasopoulou:
Αργυροπελεκάνος -Pelecanus crispus -Dalmatian pelican
Themida Nasopoulou:
Flamingos- Ramsar Wetland of Axios River, Northern Greece
Themida Nasopoulou:
(Common) Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs)
Themida Nasopoulou:
European robin
Themida Nasopoulou:
Themida Nasopoulou:
Seasons greetings 2013 - 2014
Themida Nasopoulou:
Apus apus (Σταχτάρα)
Themida Nasopoulou:
Alcedo atthis , Αλκυόνη
Themida Nasopoulou:
"Surprised robin"
Themida Nasopoulou:
Athene noctua Scopoli, 1769 (Little owl)
Themida Nasopoulou:
Strix aluco Linnaeus, 1758 - Χουχουριστής
Themida Nasopoulou:
Dendrocopus syriacus juvenile Themis Nasopoulou P6171876
Themida Nasopoulou:
"Syrian Woodpecker juvenile in nest" "Βαλκανικός Δρυοκολάπτης" "(Dendrocopοs syriacus )"
Themida Nasopoulou:
Aquila chrysaetos + Corvus corax