Ur.Teffy: Reflejos.
Ur.Teffy: “Ésos, los que fuimos antes de ser nosotros.”
Ur.Teffy: Lucrecia
Ur.Teffy: “She was a natural force that acted highly unnaturally. i was scared, but intrigued. she was a tsunami. i knew she’d drown me but i couldn’t run away from her. but out of all the people there, i was the only one caught by the current."
Ur.Teffy: “These moments of escape are not to be despised. They come too seldom.”
Ur.Teffy: Las Uribes ... Foto pa' ti
Ur.Teffy: Pequeños hogares.
Ur.Teffy: Lucrecias.
Ur.Teffy: Noviembre, llega.
Ur.Teffy: Se va.