themarina: 20100622_008
themarina: 20100622_009
themarina: 20100622_013
themarina: 20100622_014
themarina: 20100622_015
themarina: 20100703_013
themarina: 20100703_015
themarina: Denali
themarina: Denali isn't very happy
themarina: 20100809_002
themarina: 20100821_001
themarina: Let sleeping dogs lie
themarina: Denali needs glasses?!?
themarina: I needz to read
themarina: Denali *hearts* pumpkin!
themarina: Denali *hearts* pumpkin!
themarina: Denali *hearts* pumpkin!
themarina: Denali really wants some of what mom's serving up
themarina: Chew, chew, chew
themarina: Gimme!
themarina: I see treats!
themarina: Whatcha got?
themarina: *sniff* *sniff*
themarina: Reporting for duty
themarina: Yes....Brush Me...
themarina: Nap Time
themarina: Serious
themarina: Serious
themarina: Yes, I read