themarina: BC group all lined up
themarina: Line them up
themarina: Smile for the camera
themarina: Smile for the camera! x2
themarina: That's what I call a wing!
themarina: Yummy wing...
themarina: Say "LX!"
themarina: Drink up!
themarina: Can you believe I drank all that?
themarina: Yes, we even look at them at night...
themarina: It's been a long day
themarina: Midnight snack
themarina: Look at the size of that pizza!
themarina: Hotel Parking Lot
themarina: Enough with the mountains already!
themarina: Even more mountains
themarina: Mandatory Mountain Picture
themarina: More mountains
themarina: Gathering the troops
themarina: BC contingent
themarina: Fill 'em up!
themarina: BC crew fills up
themarina: All lined up...
themarina: All lined up.....
themarina: First pickup!
themarina: Mine's nicer than yours...
themarina: What's in a shot?
themarina: Shiny cars!
themarina: Yes, it's that funny!
themarina: On the way