The Mandate Press: Ever heard of a tarp?
The Mandate Press: Safe and dry
The Mandate Press: Safe and dry.
The Mandate Press: Back in the shop
The Mandate Press: Back in the shop
The Mandate Press: Snack drawer
The Mandate Press: Back in the shop
The Mandate Press: Back in the shop
The Mandate Press: Back in the shop
The Mandate Press: Back in the shop
The Mandate Press: progress...
The Mandate Press: Removing the cast iron bed
The Mandate Press: Removing the cast iron bed
The Mandate Press: Removing the cast iron bed
The Mandate Press: Sheet metal cabinet
The Mandate Press: Cabinet only
The Mandate Press: Sand blasted and ready to powder coat
The Mandate Press: Sand blasted and ready to powder coat
The Mandate Press: Post powder coating
The Mandate Press: Rebuilding