The Makerfield Rambler: Samuel Woods (1846-1915) - “a life of unremitting and unselfish labour in the direction of improving the lot of mankind”
The Makerfield Rambler: “Mi faythur wur a coler...”
The Makerfield Rambler: “the foundation for future usefulness in the world”: Laffak School
The Makerfield Rambler: “Divine blessing”: former Myrtle St Baptist Chapel, Liverpool
The Makerfield Rambler: “compelled to forego the idea of going into the ministry”
The Makerfield Rambler: “a very radical change”
The Makerfield Rambler: “One day they wanted a checkweighman...”: Park Lane Colliery, Bryn, c.1900
The Makerfield Rambler: Woods household at Skelton Street, Bryn, 1881
The Makerfield Rambler: “Rules of the Ashton-In-Mackerfield Miners' Trade Union”, 1881
The Makerfield Rambler: “a meeting of miners was held at the Morris' Oddfellows' Arms”
The Makerfield Rambler: “an open air meeting was held on Ashton Heath”
The Makerfield Rambler: “... ex-president of the Lancashire and Cheshire Miners' Federation ...”
The Makerfield Rambler: Bryn Baptist Church, Wigan Road
The Makerfield Rambler: "Rose Villas", Wigan Road, Bryn
The Makerfield Rambler: Emma Selina (left and top right) and Sarah Woods
The Makerfield Rambler: “The Serious Libel on Colliery Managers” - Manchester Guardian, 31 July 1888
The Makerfield Rambler: “pleasant surprise”: Bryn Adult Bible Class members' address, 7 April 1890
The Makerfield Rambler: “a most high testimonial”: NWMF address, 8 September 1890
The Makerfield Rambler: “the heirloom”: formation of the Miner's Federation of Great Britain
The Makerfield Rambler: “Shocking Death of a Signalman” - Wigan Observer, 24 December 1890
The Makerfield Rambler: “Visions of The Mine”
The Makerfield Rambler: “Cost ought not to stand in the way where human life is at stake”: Royal Commission on Explosions From Coal Dust in Mines”, 12 February 1892
The Makerfield Rambler: “The crowd pulled the vehicle containing the hero of the day to Wigan” - Wigan Observer, 16 July 1892
The Makerfield Rambler: “Fause Teeth”
The Makerfield Rambler: “The Settlement Of The Great Dispute In The Coal Trade, 1893”
The Makerfield Rambler: “All honour to Sam Woods, my lads”
The Makerfield Rambler: “your persistent efforts merit the gratitude of all trade unionists” - Typographical Association address, 1893
The Makerfield Rambler: “the wicked coal owners”: Colonel Henry B H Blundell CB MP
The Makerfield Rambler: “Action Under The Corrupt and Illegal Practices Prevention Act” - Wigan Observer & District Advertiser, 17 August 1895
The Makerfield Rambler: Silver urn presented by “the ladies of Newtown”, 14 September 1895