The Mahogany Stylist: Beyonce Front 3/4 Black Dress
The Mahogany Stylist: M5753 Pattern Cover
The Mahogany Stylist: Etta and Beyonce
The Mahogany Stylist: Beyonce Front Black Dress
The Mahogany Stylist: Drawing of Beyonce Dress
The Mahogany Stylist: S4070 Bodice Bk Over M5753 Bodice Bk Beyonce Dress
The Mahogany Stylist: S4070 Bodice Fr Over M5753 Beyonce Dress
The Mahogany Stylist: S4070 Bodice
The Mahogany Stylist: M5753 Bodice
The Mahogany Stylist: M5753 & S4070 Beyonce Dress Pattern Covers