...Steve: One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
...Steve: Chief Bromden
...Steve: Scanlon
...Steve: McMurphy and Nurse Ratched
...Steve: Randle McMurphy
...Steve: The Awakening of Billy Bibbit
...Steve: Bancini and Harding
...Steve: Martini
...Steve: Billy Bibbit
...Steve: Billy Bibbit, Martini and Harding
...Steve: Nurse Flynn
...Steve: Nurse Flynn 2
...Steve: Billy Bibbit and Candy
...Steve: Pete Bancini
...Steve: Sandy Gilfillian
...Steve: Orderly
...Steve: Martini and Billy Bibbit
...Steve: Billy Bibbit and Candy 3
...Steve: Candy
...Steve: Billy Bibbit and Candy 2
...Steve: Candy and Billy Bibbit