The Lulu Bean: orange slice
The Lulu Bean: oh dear.
The Lulu Bean: first embroidery
The Lulu Bean: india ink rules.
The Lulu Bean: le jardin
The Lulu Bean: Crafting 365-- Day 2
The Lulu Bean: Sunny Skies
The Lulu Bean: Sunny Skies
The Lulu Bean: Crafting 365-- Days 5 and 6
The Lulu Bean: Retro-Style pillow
The Lulu Bean: Little Brown Houses wristlet
The Lulu Bean: Changing Seasons magnet set
The Lulu Bean: Fresh Spring pillow
The Lulu Bean: WIP BadBird Day of the Dead embroidery
The Lulu Bean: Be My Valentine cowl
The Lulu Bean: Super Pretty zippered pouch
The Lulu Bean: Super Pretty zippered pouch
The Lulu Bean: Weiner Dog zipper pouch
The Lulu Bean: Sacred Heart drawing
The Lulu Bean: Work in Progress -- BadBird Day of the Dead embroidery
The Lulu Bean: La Poulpe
The Lulu Bean: Love Bear
The Lulu Bean: Little Brown Houses wristlet
The Lulu Bean: Chrysanthemum Pincushion
The Lulu Bean: Bubbles!
The Lulu Bean: LuciferJonze
The Lulu Bean: Donkey!
The Lulu Bean: progress on custom doe brooch