theDLF: Czechoslovakian jets
theDLF: Welcome to Sanford Lee County Regional Airport
theDLF: plane in the hangar
theDLF: plane in the hangar
theDLF: pretending to be in AirWolf
theDLF: ashtrays on the seatbacks!
theDLF: taking orders
theDLF: taking off
theDLF: Darryl & Graham in the cockpit
theDLF: perpendicular to the ground
theDLF: some sort of wing pivot maneuver that left us perpendicular to the ground
theDLF: pilot looking out the window
theDLF: Graham
theDLF: Graham reading the... instruction manual??
theDLF: Baden Lake
theDLF: in the cockpit
theDLF: Landing
theDLF: Landing