theloudlibrarian: Balcony View
theloudlibrarian: Balcony View
theloudlibrarian: Tenzin and Wes on the Sonder balcony
theloudlibrarian: Tenzin and Wes on the Sonder balcony
theloudlibrarian: AMOR Statue
theloudlibrarian: Sonder Terrace
theloudlibrarian: Logan Square
theloudlibrarian: Shakespeare Statue
theloudlibrarian: PHL Library
theloudlibrarian: Rodin Museum
theloudlibrarian: Rodin Museum
theloudlibrarian: Rodin Museum
theloudlibrarian: Rodin Museum
theloudlibrarian: Rodin Museum
theloudlibrarian: Danaid (My Favorite)
theloudlibrarian: Danaid (My Favorite)
theloudlibrarian: Rodin Museum
theloudlibrarian: Rodin Museum
theloudlibrarian: Rodin Museum
theloudlibrarian: Walking to the Art Museum
theloudlibrarian: Philly Art Museum
theloudlibrarian: Philly Art Museum
theloudlibrarian: Rocky Statue
theloudlibrarian: Welcome to Philly!
theloudlibrarian: The Rocky Steps
theloudlibrarian: The Rocky Steps View
theloudlibrarian: Philly Art Museum
theloudlibrarian: Philly Art Museum