right star: I love when Bradley cooks for me.
right star: I finally touched the Pacific ocean.
right star: They are actually going backwards.
right star: Best name for a sleepy seaside eatery, ever.
right star: They are best friends.
right star: He looks real, from the back.
right star: Tinkle?
right star: Morgan didn't like the dryer sheet.
right star: Her eyes are always closed.
right star: Housewife Bradley.
right star: Morgan in action.
right star: Sunset in Oceanside.
right star: They live across the street from the ocean.
right star: Amazing, right?
right star: He came with her truck.
right star: The 99 cent store is fucking amazing.
right star: I just like the beach.
right star: Treasure chest?
right star: Guess what?