The Local Tourist: A cyclist on the lake front path
The Local Tourist: Juggler by Lake Michigan
The Local Tourist: Megan interviews Divine Chocolates
The Local Tourist: Answer the quiz and win a chocolate pod
The Local Tourist: Another Eco-Maniac
The Local Tourist: Eco-Maniac powers the generator
The Local Tourist: Reggie's not exactly dressed for bike riding :)
The Local Tourist: Chicago Raw Food restaurant Karyn's
The Local Tourist: Wall Climbing
The Local Tourist: Wares from Yoga Now
The Local Tourist: We were intrigued by cupping
The Local Tourist: Organic Valley bus in the kids section
The Local Tourist: NBC5's Marcus has a news "groupie"
The Local Tourist: Reggie interviews about The Chillster
The Local Tourist: Stop Beer Warming
The Local Tourist: Trash at Green Fest