The Lizard Lab:
Lyriocephalus scutatus-31 2
The Lizard Lab:
Varanus bengalensis-1
The Lizard Lab:
Taruga eques-9 2
The Lizard Lab:
Taruga eques-5 2
The Lizard Lab:
Pseudophilautus fulvus-1
The Lizard Lab:
Nannophrys marmorata-8
The Lizard Lab:
Nannophrys marmorata-2
The Lizard Lab:
Nannophrys marmorata habitat-1 2
The Lizard Lab:
Lyriocephalus scutatus-38 2
The Lizard Lab:
Lyriocephalus scutatus-37 2
The Lizard Lab:
Lyriocephalus scutatus-17 2
The Lizard Lab:
Lyriocephalus scutatus-6 2
The Lizard Lab:
Lyriocephalus scutatus-5 2
The Lizard Lab:
Lankascincus sp
The Lizard Lab:
Lankascincus sp-3
The Lizard Lab:
Euphyctis cynophlitis-2 2
The Lizard Lab:
Euphyctis cynophlitis-1 2
The Lizard Lab:
Cyrtodactylus soba-19 2
The Lizard Lab:
Cyrtodactylus soba-14 2
The Lizard Lab:
Cyrtodactylus soba-13 2
The Lizard Lab:
Cyrtodactylus soba-6 2
The Lizard Lab:
Cyrtodactylus soba 2
The Lizard Lab:
Ceratophora tennenttii-45
The Lizard Lab:
Ceratophora tennenttii-26
The Lizard Lab:
Ceratophora tennenttii-17
The Lizard Lab:
Ceratophora tennenttii-15
The Lizard Lab:
Ceratophora tennenttii-13
The Lizard Lab:
Ceratophora tennenttii-3
The Lizard Lab:
Ceratophora tennenttii-1
The Lizard Lab:
Calotes versicolor male