The Little Bear: Susie and Plum
The Little Bear: Antoinette and Pawpaw elf.
The Little Bear: Antoinette
The Little Bear: Antoinette headshot
The Little Bear: Pon in Vegas
The Little Bear: Jazz's new wig
The Little Bear: Jazz's new wig
The Little Bear: Little Miss No-name
The Little Bear: My Craziia with the crazy eyes
The Little Bear: My Craziia with the crazy eyes
The Little Bear: My Craziia with the crazy eyes
The Little Bear: My Craziia with the crazy eyes
The Little Bear: Mari, Mo, and the adorable pokemon that I don't know the name of....
The Little Bear: Mari and Koi
The Little Bear: Messing with Kat is fun
The Little Bear: Romantic side of Kendra
The Little Bear: Romantic side of Kendra
The Little Bear: Romantic side of Kendra
The Little Bear: Romantic side of Kendra