katie appleton day: The storage room
katie appleton day: The hallway back of the kitchen
katie appleton day: The kitchen
katie appleton day: The kitchen
katie appleton day: The kitchen
katie appleton day: View out living room window
katie appleton day: Living room area
katie appleton day: Living room area
katie appleton day: View from my desk
katie appleton day: My desk view
katie appleton day: Hall from bedrooms to living areas
katie appleton day: Maggie's room
katie appleton day: Maggie's room
katie appleton day: The guest room -- not sorted yet!
katie appleton day: Hall down to bedrooms
katie appleton day: Looking back on the front door entrance (left) -- kitchen entrance righthand doorway
katie appleton day: The projector "viewing wall" for movies, internet, etc.
katie appleton day: Viewing area
katie appleton day: Living area next to viewing area
katie appleton day: Dining/living/viewing areas (hall to bedrooms on left)
katie appleton day: As you walk into the apartment
katie appleton day: Our bedroom -- also not really sorted yet
katie appleton day: new_apt_08
katie appleton day: new_apt_06
katie appleton day: new_apt_04
katie appleton day: new_apt_03_with_Marjorie
katie appleton day: new_apt_02
katie appleton day: new_apt_01
katie appleton day: P1010057
katie appleton day: P1010056