GreggWithTwoGs: We stayed here.
GreggWithTwoGs: Caesar wasn't home.
GreggWithTwoGs: This is the future.
GreggWithTwoGs: 1/2 scale contempt
GreggWithTwoGs: Act 1: They Meet
GreggWithTwoGs: This is a staged photograph.
GreggWithTwoGs: Charles checks his invisible watch (in earnest).
GreggWithTwoGs: Forty one dollars
GreggWithTwoGs: Charles took video of his pinky.
GreggWithTwoGs: Steven took a picture of me taking a picture of him.
GreggWithTwoGs: Moons Over My Hammy
GreggWithTwoGs: This is Danny Gans. Respect.
GreggWithTwoGs: Impatience meets ennui
GreggWithTwoGs: Trouble with Tribbles
GreggWithTwoGs: New guy in town
GreggWithTwoGs: Friends I haven't met yet
GreggWithTwoGs: Be afraid.
GreggWithTwoGs: Food chain.
GreggWithTwoGs: Oooooh....the colors.
GreggWithTwoGs: Aspiration
GreggWithTwoGs: Vodka + Jesus
GreggWithTwoGs: Steven & Justin, sated. Todd, percolating.
GreggWithTwoGs: Room 9091
GreggWithTwoGs: The coziest little Sprite bottle in Nevada
GreggWithTwoGs: Justin reflects on Steven's pink hat.
GreggWithTwoGs: The Bug in a very nice hat.
GreggWithTwoGs: Prelude to a Venetian Suicide
GreggWithTwoGs: Steven refreshes.