the leightons uk: 08 Dec 2006 030
the leightons uk: 08 Dec 2006 033
the leightons uk: 08 Dec 2006 042
the leightons uk: 08 Dec 2006 050
the leightons uk: Jess & the reindeer
the leightons uk: One of Santa's elves
the leightons uk: NO more photos!!!
the leightons uk: Presents everywhere
the leightons uk: I hope one of these is for me
the leightons uk: I have found mine
the leightons uk: Tatty Bear bag
the leightons uk: Cracker on the tree
the leightons uk: Looking up at the tree
the leightons uk: The friendly snowman
the leightons uk: Lianne on Christmas morning
the leightons uk: This present is for you Pebbles
the leightons uk: Aw come on let me catch it, it is mine
the leightons uk: Guess who bought this for Lianne
the leightons uk: A little kiwi
the leightons uk: Lianne & Leighton
the leightons uk: Neil making an entrance
the leightons uk: Now that I have all the shredded tissue paper out I will open the packages
the leightons uk: Jessica opening more presents at our house
the leightons uk: Well, how do I look in my new hat?
the leightons uk: Jessica modelling her new hat
the leightons uk: Look everyone, look what Santa left for me
the leightons uk: Christmas Pudding
the leightons uk: Lianne and Jessica setting fire to the Christmas pudding
the leightons uk: Lianne & Jessica