The Learning Connexion: Afixing punti so piece can be broken of blowing iron
The Learning Connexion: Alison Morris
The Learning Connexion: Alison Morris
The Learning Connexion: Averill James
The Learning Connexion: Averill James
The Learning Connexion: Cherol Filbee
The Learning Connexion: DEMO: Tutor Karen
The Learning Connexion: DEMO: Tutor Keith
The Learning Connexion: Malcolm Stuart
The Learning Connexion: Malcolm Stuart
The Learning Connexion: Turia Brackenbury
The Learning Connexion: Action photos from the Glass weekend
The Learning Connexion: Action photos from the Glass weekend
The Learning Connexion: Action photos from the Glass weekend
The Learning Connexion: Action photos from the Glass weekend
The Learning Connexion: Action photos from the Glass weekend
The Learning Connexion: Glass workshop
The Learning Connexion: Karen blowing