thelacussolis: 1/365 the family
thelacussolis: 9/365 Rory Bum & Daddy Bum
thelacussolis: 18/365 Peace
thelacussolis: 34/365 Home...
thelacussolis: 43/365 Gameboy Camera App FTW
thelacussolis: 44/365 Captions please
thelacussolis: 56/365 My little lady
thelacussolis: 63/365 Rory's first piggyback ride :-)
thelacussolis: 67/365 Tom and Rory went bowling
thelacussolis: 91/365 We went to see the Fishies at the dentist :-)
thelacussolis: 119/365 Someone did a stinker! :-(
thelacussolis: 154/365 Munch munch munch munch munch
thelacussolis: 183/365 This weeks new word. "Baba" :-)
thelacussolis: 199/365 :-)
thelacussolis: 219/365 Erm. Does your name start with a J?
thelacussolis: 249/365 Arrrrrrrrrrggggghhhh!!!!
thelacussolis: 280/365 Mmm, BRAINS!
thelacussolis: 301/365 Mi Familia.
thelacussolis: 307/365 Oooooooh!!!
thelacussolis: 324/365 "Ooooh" "Ahhhhh"
thelacussolis: 349/365 Not impressed!
thelacussolis: 357/365 :D
thelacussolis: 360/365 :-)
thelacussolis: 365/365 365 one year on :-)
thelacussolis: 2/365 :D
thelacussolis: 117/365 cheeky Monkey!
thelacussolis: 20/365 Rory Attacks
thelacussolis: 47/365 Another awesome day with my little girl
thelacussolis: 60/365 We. Are. Cool.
thelacussolis: 62/365 The perfect remedy to a hard days work :-)