aftab.: DR dilemma solved (almost) =)
dcumminsusa: Bosque Fall in Corrales
PGornell: Sunrise after snow
David Cartier: Driving thru the Cosmos
Trey Ratcliff: Crossing Rivers in the Andes
Michael Bollino: Once in a Blue Moon
Michael Bollino: The Journey
Trey Ratcliff: The Comet in Queenstown
Aaron Reed Photography: Eternal Beauty
Fort Photo: Milky Perseids
Daniel Murray (southnz): moraine lake #2
Jeff Clow: Hard to Leave
Fort Photo: A Potent Pawnee Eventide
bobthemtnbiker: Sunset
unripegreenbanana: 2012 Annular Solar Eclipse - Lubbock, Texas
Fort Photo: Whirled Whipple Observatory
MikeJonesPhoto: Upper and Lower
Fort Photo: Fright Flight of the Snow Geese
Jason Pierce Photography: NYC Skyline with super smooth rainbow reflections
Jason Pierce Photography: 9/11/11 - 10 year anniversary
aftab.: The memorial
Jason Pineau: Call of the Wild
Aaron Reed Photography: Grace & Beauty
Bob West: K7__9418
James Neeley: Sunset at the Shark Fin Arch
Trey Ratcliff: NASAstorm
James Neeley: Grand View
Trip.Breaker: Light Over the Valley