TheKittyLover42: At the alter
TheKittyLover42: Groom's Cake
TheKittyLover42: Bride, groom, and groom cake.
TheKittyLover42: The Brothers
TheKittyLover42: Jenn and Tom
TheKittyLover42: More trouble
TheKittyLover42: Uncle Gary
TheKittyLover42: Aunt Mickey
TheKittyLover42: Uncle Paul and Mike
TheKittyLover42: Mother and Son dance
TheKittyLover42: Bride and groom
TheKittyLover42: DSCN0643
TheKittyLover42: Jr. Bridesmaid, BM and GM.
TheKittyLover42: The wedding party
TheKittyLover42: Entrance
TheKittyLover42: Two for the price of one!
TheKittyLover42: Parents of the Groom
TheKittyLover42: More trouble
TheKittyLover42: Yet more trouble
TheKittyLover42: The Cake
TheKittyLover42: Photo table
TheKittyLover42: Lauren, Grandma and Vin
TheKittyLover42: Uncle Paul and Aunt Mickey's Suite
TheKittyLover42: Uncle Paul and Dad (Fred)
TheKittyLover42: The view west.
TheKittyLover42: The Resort
TheKittyLover42: Kittatinny Mnts.
TheKittyLover42: More Mountains