realkevinchong: Rolleiflex T w/ ilford HP5+
realkevinchong: Rolleiflex T w/ ilford HP5+
realkevinchong: Rolleiflex T w/ Fujifilm Pro400H
realkevinchong: I started a joke, which started the whole world crying. But I didn't see that the joke was on me, oh no.
realkevinchong: 填鴨式。 "I go to school by bus."
realkevinchong: 印尼撈伊好味道。 China.
realkevinchong: Should I move on or should I wait? How'd you get so high above me? I reach higher every day. But nothing changes. No, it all just stays the same.
realkevinchong: Mamiya 645 Pro w/ Fujufilm Pro400H
realkevinchong: Mamiya 645 Pro w/ Fujifilm Pro400H
realkevinchong: Mamiya 645 Pro w/ Ilford HP5+
realkevinchong: save me.