the JoshMeister: Welcome by Neil Ticktin and Ed Marczak
the JoshMeister: Remote controlled watercraft from University of Arizona
the JoshMeister: Space rover from University of Arizona
the JoshMeister: Parallels swag table
the JoshMeister: Room 815 at Sheraton Universal
the JoshMeister: Brian Shin behind the camera
the JoshMeister: Remote controlled watercraft from University of Arizona
the JoshMeister: Space rover from University of Arizona
the JoshMeister: Attendees at MacTech Conference 2010
the JoshMeister: Rich Kilmer's MacRuby session
the JoshMeister: Parallels swag
the JoshMeister: Contest after session
the JoshMeister: Griffith Observatory planetarium
the JoshMeister: Attendees at MacTech Conference 2010
the JoshMeister: Attendees at MacTech Conference 2010
the JoshMeister: Attendees at MacTech Conference 2010
the JoshMeister: Ed Marczak and Neil Ticktin at MacTech Conference
the JoshMeister: Angry because Apple killed the Xserve - MacTech Conference