TheJosephBoys: en route
TheJosephBoys: pretty dreary weather the first few days
TheJosephBoys: Janel had easy access to the jacuzzi
TheJosephBoys: i love that a hotel hosting AMIA had diskettes and TC-30 video tape in the gift shop
TheJosephBoys: trolleys everywhere
TheJosephBoys: get used to this; i took several shots of spanish moss..
TheJosephBoys: this place was great
TheJosephBoys: C agrees with an emphatic hand blur
TheJosephBoys: not particularly good IPA from Baltimore
TheJosephBoys: night scene
TheJosephBoys: 5-something am (version 1)
TheJosephBoys: 5-something am (version 2)
TheJosephBoys: 5-something am (version 3)
TheJosephBoys: fat cheese
TheJosephBoys: creepy old bldg
TheJosephBoys: old business
TheJosephBoys: no shit
TheJosephBoys: J and C discuss
TheJosephBoys: price and state
TheJosephBoys: cable vomit
TheJosephBoys: price is street
TheJosephBoys: Janel sets the scene for...
TheJosephBoys: Skully! (Honestly guys, this thing was the size of my hand.)
TheJosephBoys: Gazzara?
TheJosephBoys: downtownish
TheJosephBoys: one of several postcardy shots in this set
TheJosephBoys: sausage and egg things from a British pub
TheJosephBoys: postcard #2
TheJosephBoys: corner