TheJosephBoys: Fowlerville Farms, approx 6am
TheJosephBoys: placemats ruled
TheJosephBoys: honey butter toast
TheJosephBoys: the view from C's mom's kitchen
TheJosephBoys: we visited the country mill
TheJosephBoys: loved this
TheJosephBoys: C-crow
TheJosephBoys: on our way to the river
TheJosephBoys: Grand Ledge water tower
TheJosephBoys: i spent 16 weeks training local water fowl to swim in groups of species and color just to create balance in this photgraph
TheJosephBoys: you can't hide your love forever
TheJosephBoys: end of the island park
TheJosephBoys: heading back
TheJosephBoys: this baseball field doubles as an ice skating rink in winter; i've never heard of that
TheJosephBoys: Niners fans
TheJosephBoys: cool facade
TheJosephBoys: first WC in over four years, loved it
TheJosephBoys: completely obscurred by vegitation
TheJosephBoys: drove past Michigan Stadium right before a game; madness
TheJosephBoys: wedding grounds, t-minus 24 hours
TheJosephBoys: Reach, Reach, Fink, Valvo, Nichols, Sacks, Slank, Sendelback, Buiteweg, Hutchinson, and Farris Linkner
TheJosephBoys: late night arty business
TheJosephBoys: one of many pre-wedding costume changes
TheJosephBoys: there were three of these; they took hours to make..
TheJosephBoys: N and T ascend the stairs
TheJosephBoys: wedding food was Mediterranian from Dearborn; amazing
TheJosephBoys: getting really good at centering self-portraits on the first try
TheJosephBoys: difficult to tell where Albi stops and the mink begins..
TheJosephBoys: dance party with greenery
TheJosephBoys: late night serenity