thejjays: Autumn's Quilt 2021-08-18 071517
thejjays: Autumn's Quilt 2021-08-18 124451 Close folded and backing
thejjays: Autumn picking up her Quilt and Pillow 20211127_170331
thejjays: Autumn picking up her Quilt and Pillow 20211127_170203
thejjays: Autumn's Pillow 2021-09-26 113333
thejjays: Autumn picking up her Quilt and Pillow 20211127_170227
thejjays: Autumn picking up her Quilt and Pillow 20211127_170339
thejjays: Autumn's Quilt 2021-08-18 071507
thejjays: Autumn's Quilt 2021-08-18 071511
thejjays: Autumn's Quilt 2021-08-18 071534
thejjays: Autumn's Quilt 2021-08-18 124340 Close folded and backing
thejjays: Autumn picking up her Quilt and Pillow 20211127_171435 Shaddow photo bombing
thejjays: Autumn picking up her Quilt and Pillow 20211127_171433 Shaddow photo bombing
thejjays: Autumn's Quilt 2021-08-18 124505 Close folded and backing
thejjays: Autumn's Quilt 2021-08-18 071457
thejjays: Autumn's Quilt 2021-08-18 071549 Close Center
thejjays: Autumn's Quilt 2021-08-18 071539 Center
thejjays: Autumn picking up her Quilt and Pillow 20211127_170345
thejjays: Autumn picking up her Quilt and Pillow 20211127_171429 Shaddow photo bombing
thejjays: Autumn picking up her Quilt and Pillow 20211127_170210
thejjays: Autumn's Quilt 2021-08-18 071445 (2)
thejjays: Autumn's Quilt 2021-08-18 071529
thejjays: Autumn picking up her Quilt and Pillow 20211127_171432 Shaddow photo bombing
thejjays: Autumn's Quilt 2021-08-18 071522
thejjays: Autumn's Pillow 2021-09-26 113322
thejjays: Autumn's Pillow 2021-09-26 113313
thejjays: Autumn's Pillow 2021-09-26 113307