thejjays: Judy
thejjays: Judy pickling 1973-4
thejjays: Roger flipping out over Peggy
thejjays: Graduate Sharon
thejjays: Mom and Cathy
thejjays: Grandma and Grandpa June 1974
thejjays: Judy sewing June 1974
thejjays: Stan and Kathy - friends before the trip July 1974
thejjays: Judy at table June 1974
thejjays: Judy with Sue Eyestone June 1974
thejjays: Our car We See You July 1974
thejjays: Our car Hello July 1974
thejjays: Wyoming Black Hills June 74
thejjays: Devils Tower 1974
thejjays: Judy at Devils Tower 1974
thejjays: Custer National Monument July 1974
thejjays: Barb Dennis and Jennifer July 1974
thejjays: Jennifer Barb and Dennis July 1974
thejjays: Jennifer and her Mother Barb
thejjays: Jennifer and Barb July 1974
thejjays: Jennifer and her Uncle John July 1974
thejjays: Lake McDonald Creek July 1974
thejjays: Rapids on Lake McDonald Creek July 1974
thejjays: Lake McDonald and mountains July 1974
thejjays: Varmints on Going to Sun Road July 1974
thejjays: Judy at snow cave in Glacier National Park 1974
thejjays: John at snow cave in Glacier National Park 1974
thejjays: Judy at Logan Pass July 1974
thejjays: Judy on Going to Sun Road July 1974
thejjays: Danger Falling Rocks Rough Going to Sun Road July 1974