thejjays: Peggy the earliest year
thejjays: Mom and Peggy at her baptism 1949
thejjays: Dad Mom Dianne Dennis Peggy at her baptism 1949
thejjays: Godparents Don and Patty with Peggy at her baptism 1949
thejjays: Dad Mom Dianne Dennis Peggy at her baptism 1949
thejjays: Godparents Don and Patty with Peggy at her baptism 1949
thejjays: Mom with Peggy on baptism day
thejjays: Dennis with baby Peggy-Aug. '49 from Mom
thejjays: Hooray
thejjays: I'm not tired
thejjays: At McCauley farm spring 50
thejjays: Crib baby
thejjays: Crib baby and watchers
thejjays: Peggy climbing out of height chair
thejjays: Peggy smiling for food
thejjays: Peggy backwards on chair
thejjays: Spring 1950 Visiting the farm
thejjays: Spring 1950 Visiting the farm
thejjays: Splashin' good time
thejjays: Peggy in chair by two trees 1950 from Dianne
thejjays: Peggy winter 1950-51 from Dianne
thejjays: Dianne Dennis Peggy Sandra in Raymond yard 1950 from Dianne
thejjays: Peggy smiles From Mom
thejjays: Cheerie three
thejjays: Go, Dog, Go
thejjays: Peggy and her older siblings on chair
thejjays: Spring 1951
thejjays: G'ma, Patty, Eliz,Shirley, Anne, Kathryn, Dianne, Peg1951 at farm from Mom
thejjays: DennisJohnDiannePeggyMom-Aug.1951 from Mom
thejjays: Dad playing horsey with his three oldest