theilr: There it goes...
theilr: clouds and rock
theilr: vertex
theilr: Tied with a bow
theilr: Retelling
theilr: Drama...and romance!
theilr: The best part is the retelling
theilr: Drama on the Chama
theilr: Water
theilr: Fire
theilr: BB
theilr: W
theilr: B
theilr: Miss Hollywood
theilr: Bug on a branch
theilr: Message in a bottle
theilr: more romance on the Chama
theilr: off to a rendezvous
theilr: Uncle
theilr: Lookin' back
theilr: just duckie
theilr: paddle
theilr: canyon wall -- view from the boat
theilr: canyon wall
theilr: yet another big rock wall
theilr: big wall of rock
theilr: rock texture
theilr: wood texture
theilr: Distracted by the sky
theilr: R+K, in their new duckies