theilr: birds of various feathers
theilr: grab a bite
theilr: The bird is the word
theilr: a-flutter
theilr: profile
theilr: what kind of LGB are you?
theilr: Stellar's Jay
theilr: Black-billed magpie
theilr: Spotted Towhee
theilr: orange eye
theilr: a bird in the bush
theilr: Don't cross him, don't boss him.
theilr: out on a limb
theilr: a flicker for flickr
theilr: Boyfriend
theilr: curved bill
theilr: in flight
theilr: American Goldfinch
theilr: Juniper Titmouse
theilr: Finch among the branches
theilr: peanut thief behind the branches
theilr: social climber
theilr: bird on a fence post
theilr: Jay bird
theilr: bird food
theilr: Scrub Jay does his best DeNiro
theilr: takes the plunge
theilr: upper right
theilr: difference exposure
theilr: double exposure