theilr: He holds his head up high
theilr: star-crossed camels
theilr: Three heads
theilr: chyna syndrome
theilr: three inch nails
theilr: ice in snow, 24 fluid oz
theilr: camelrock silhouette
theilr: camelrock postcard
theilr: camelrock somersault
theilr: It's just another camel rock sunrise.
theilr: It's all happening at the zoo.
theilr: yet another camelrock silhouette
theilr: it's that crazy camel, once again
theilr: bolt upright
theilr: sentry on the fence
theilr: digital slider
theilr: off limits
theilr: camelrock sunburst
theilr: nail in the wall
theilr: two nails
theilr: steel nail on an adobe fence
theilr: open wide
theilr: Camel Rock silhouette
theilr: Moonrise over Camel Rock New Mexico
theilr: It's all fun and games until...
theilr: Notice: we care about your children
theilr: fence me in