theilr: Peanut (and shadow) in the dirt
theilr: warily eyeing his opponent/friend
theilr: curly-tailed dog
theilr: stunt double
theilr: not-Tango catches another frisbee
theilr: Bear drinks
theilr: A dog named Bear
theilr: Bear in the weeds
theilr: Bear in a blur
theilr: Sofa spuds
theilr: On the hunt
theilr: Bear
theilr: A Boy and his Dog
theilr: A fetching dog
theilr: dogs on the ridgeline
theilr: backlit Golden Retriever
theilr: When you say Dylan...
theilr: Dylan's amazing eyebrow
theilr: A girl and her dog
theilr: Just her dog
theilr: If I have seen farther than other dogs...
theilr: Ruff and Surf