theilr: tri-pole
theilr: more power just over the horizon
theilr: Somebody mentioned "the parody of juxtaposition."
theilr: and another silhouette at sunset
theilr: Why do I feel unwelcome here?
theilr: silhouette in a puddle
theilr: birds in a space warp
theilr: Zorro's flock gathered to await instructions.
theilr: Tamalpais view
theilr: Tamalpais postcard
theilr: Lines were constructed in the sky.
theilr: high voltage, high key
theilr: You're late! Now let's get started.
theilr: Mondrian Powerline (2003)
theilr: Octupole
theilr: yet
theilr: wire skaters
theilr: sunrise with power lines
theilr: wires in the sky
theilr: power up
theilr: solar power
theilr: jenga tower
theilr: Power up
theilr: Stand tall and do your part