theilr: Manchester train station
theilr: S
theilr: M
theilr: Edinburgh castle
theilr: Stained Glass
theilr: Organ at St Giles
theilr: Stags
theilr: G
theilr: S
theilr: S
theilr: Cow-shaped sphere
theilr: Prisoners' Latrines
theilr: Trail to Arthur's Seat
theilr: Face in the Wind
theilr: He, with his hands in his pockets -- she, with her face in the wind
theilr: Wraparound glasses
theilr: G, B (four eyes), and S
theilr: Descending the trail
theilr: Looking back up the trail
theilr: Bird in the window
theilr: Holyrood ceiling
theilr: Bird on the Tay
theilr: Bird on the Tay River Bridge
theilr: Dunkheld chapel entrance
theilr: Dunkheld chapel entrance (closer view)
theilr: Entering the Dunkheld chapel
theilr: Dunkheld chapel
theilr: Headstone at Dunkheld chapel
theilr: Just married
theilr: Dunkheld chapel wall