sherlock.42: Twins! Born 28/09/1939
sherlock.42: Mum aged about 5?
sherlock.42: First Communion
sherlock.42: A Nurse in the good old days
sherlock.42: Look how she's grown! ;)
sherlock.42: Twins again
sherlock.42: In love - my Mum and Dad
sherlock.42: St Georges Day Wedding
sherlock.42: My eldest Sister - Helen Deborah
sherlock.42: Mum and Helen
sherlock.42: It's a Munchkin!
sherlock.42: Jonathan appears on the scene
sherlock.42: We had real snow in them days!
sherlock.42: Lydia Charlotte
sherlock.42: This one was titled....
sherlock.42: More snow!
sherlock.42: Does the house look familiar to anyone? :)
sherlock.42: And yet more snow!
sherlock.42: I am on the way - Summer 1972 and a very large bump!
sherlock.42: Yay - it's me!
sherlock.42: My first birthday
sherlock.42: Easter Bonnets!
sherlock.42: Golden Sands - our Mum's favourite holiday spot
sherlock.42: Christmas - erm maybe 1976
sherlock.42: Decorating the church hall
sherlock.42: Night out - no idea why!
sherlock.42: Mum and Dad's second honeymoon in Rome
sherlock.42: Singing in the rain
sherlock.42: Like Mother like Daughter
sherlock.42: Lydia's wedding