sherlock.42: I bet Shrodinger never had this problem!
sherlock.42: Howdy Cowboy!
sherlock.42: Cat in the Hat
sherlock.42: Exterminate!!!!!
sherlock.42: These are in the wrong order really..
sherlock.42: Now here is a recipe for disaster...
sherlock.42: Who taught that cat it's manners?
sherlock.42: Lucky black cat
sherlock.42: Biscuit likes tea in the mornings..
sherlock.42: Parrot cat!
sherlock.42: More tea!
sherlock.42: Trying to post to Disciples can be tricky these days!
sherlock.42: Laptops are WARM!
sherlock.42: Virtual fishing!
sherlock.42: Biscuit at the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
sherlock.42: You are feeling very sleepy.....
sherlock.42: A black hole - or is it a cat?
sherlock.42: IMG_4541
sherlock.42: 2 cats + 1 box = hours of fun
sherlock.42: Biscuit and Muffin's favourite sleeping spot
sherlock.42: Sleeping in front of a mirror - hmmmm
sherlock.42: Struck down by a vicious sunbeam
sherlock.42: IMG_4459
sherlock.42: IMG_4397
sherlock.42: IMG_4399
sherlock.42: Biscuit and Muffin
sherlock.42: IMG_4379
sherlock.42: IMG_4371
sherlock.42: IMG_4370