sherlock.42: fsmtest3
sherlock.42: Have you been touched by his noodly appendage?
sherlock.42: Many thanks to Darth Tigger for the flying spaghetti monster knitted - erm, you don't want to know!!
sherlock.42: Proof of the non-existence of God
sherlock.42: The theory of intelligent design.
sherlock.42: Just don't ask!
sherlock.42: Pirate Park!
sherlock.42: Daniel on the good ship Carrington!
sherlock.42: Not that you can tell, but that says Pirate Park
sherlock.42: Closer photo of handprints of the local children
sherlock.42: FSM Necklace with thanks to the Birthday Fairy!!!
sherlock.42: Parrot cat!
sherlock.42: Trying to post to Disciples can be tricky these days!
sherlock.42: Biscuit at the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
sherlock.42: Pirate pumpkins for Mummy - Praise the FSM!
sherlock.42: Jolly pumpkins! The crop so far....
sherlock.42: Pirate coat
sherlock.42: IMG_6061
sherlock.42: IMG_6059