Photos by Jus: Noodle Doodles
Photos by Jus: Running some energy off
Photos by Jus: My boys
Photos by Jus: He's all tounge & ears
Photos by Jus: 2 min rest
Photos by Jus: Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Photos by Jus: Soggy doggy
Photos by Jus: Wet dog
Photos by Jus: Enjoying an early morning swim
Photos by Jus: Guess who's been in the brook
Photos by Jus: One wet Bumble
Photos by Jus: Time to go home now boys
Photos by Jus: Two wet dogs
Photos by Jus: Noodles even went for a swim today
Photos by Jus: Both been swimming
Photos by Jus: Wet boys
Photos by Jus: Noodles
Photos by Jus: Wet Noodles
Photos by Jus: Should really of washed my hair and put some make up on!
Photos by Jus: Glad we didn't bump into anyone - very bad hair day!
Photos by Jus: Bumble always loves a hug
Photos by Jus: I'm as frizzy as them and I didn;t go in the brook
Photos by Jus: Bad hair day! Glad we didn't see anybody I knew
Photos by Jus: Time to go home and dry off now