The Hot Shots: Weather Competition
The Hot Shots: It's raining, it's pouring - Chris T
The Hot Shots: Fog in the Bay - Chris T.
The Hot Shots: After the rain 1 MR
The Hot Shots: After the rain 2 MR
The Hot Shots: Lightening Strikes - Richie M
The Hot Shots: Snowy Walk - Richie M
The Hot Shots: Cloudy crossing - Non Tippins
The Hot Shots: Snowy bridge
The Hot Shots: Morning Mist view from Penrhys - Norma W
The Hot Shots: Stormclouds over Aignish - Non Tippins
The Hot Shots: Windy - Robert P.
The Hot Shots: Never mind the weather - Colin Jones
The Hot Shots: Stormy Seas - Phil B
The Hot Shots: Snow Caerphilly Castle - Phil B
The Hot Shots: Welsh Summer - Robert P