The Hot Shots: Newborn
The Hot Shots: Flat cap
The Hot Shots: Botanical Age
The Hot Shots: Vintage Car
The Hot Shots: Sea view
The Hot Shots: Lovely cuppa
The Hot Shots: My Grandad and me
The Hot Shots: Old Lady1
The Hot Shots: Carribean Car
The Hot Shots: Caerphilly Castle (Pretty Old)
The Hot Shots: Old Coal Train (Big Pit)
The Hot Shots: Family Business
The Hot Shots: where's my mum
The Hot Shots: Time to Reflect
The Hot Shots: Dawn of a New Day over Old Pier
The Hot Shots: New Bridge and BBC Buildings Salford Quays
The Hot Shots: Its the new 50!........apparently!!!
The Hot Shots: The age of sail
The Hot Shots: Age of the Sea
The Hot Shots: Old Technology