The Hort: Roses
The Hort: Hamilton Grange
The Hort: Newly Planted Trees
The Hort: GreenTeam at Work
The Hort: Tools
The Hort: Mark Removing an Old Tree
The Hort: Mark, the GreenTeam, and a visitor from Italy
The Hort: Hamilton Grange Garden
The Hort: Interior of Alexander Hamilton's Home
The Hort: Hamilton Grange
The Hort: Carpenter Bee
The Hort: Sun and Tree
The Hort: Hamilton Grange Plaque
The Hort: Hamilton House
The Hort: Newly Planted Trees
The Hort: Hamilton House
The Hort: Seeders
The Hort: Digging
The Hort: John Digging at Hamilton Grange
The Hort: A New Tree Planted at Hamilton Grange
The Hort: Watering the Newly Planted Seed
The Hort: Raking Mulch
The Hort: Baby Sparrow
The Hort: Rake II
The Hort: Bee on Flower
The Hort: GreenTeam Intern Watering
The Hort: Two GreenTeam Interns Pruning
The Hort: Youth Workers from the CSM Raking Soil
The Hort: Youth Worker from the CSM
The Hort: Filtering Soil