The Hoods: our journey begins...
The Hoods: Welcome to europe jeff!
The Hoods: urinal detail, schiphol
The Hoods: Our view
The Hoods: our night view
The Hoods: Jeff LOVES sunrise
The Hoods: Lykavittos Hill at sunrise
The Hoods: Athenian graffiti
The Hoods: My sweet blue cat
The Hoods: True Love!
The Hoods: School girl?
The Hoods: Political Street Art
The Hoods: Annie and Jeff do the Theatre of Dionysus
The Hoods: Theatre of Dionysus
The Hoods: The karyatids of the erecthion
The Hoods: The Erecthion versus Jeff
The Hoods: Lykavittos Hill from the Acropolis
The Hoods: Erecthion
The Hoods: Erecthion versus stray dog
The Hoods: the newlyweds pose w/ the parthenon
The Hoods: Annie and Athens
The Hoods: Theatre of Dionysus
The Hoods: Poseidon or Dionysus...?
The Hoods: Lion mauling a bull
The Hoods: Either a bear or a panther
The Hoods: Gorgon
The Hoods: Kore head
The Hoods: Sweet Sphinx
The Hoods: Enigmatic Sphinx Grin
The Hoods: Triple bodied monster