Becca(at BrightHaven): it's not picking if wild hogs aren't involved!
Becca(at BrightHaven): james tossed corn in to the hogs while I stood at a safe distance w/the camera
Becca(at BrightHaven): friendship pyrex
Becca(at BrightHaven): gas stove/oven combo
Becca(at BrightHaven): so gorgeous to be so broken! :(
Becca(at BrightHaven): love that blue section of roof!
Becca(at BrightHaven): the yard barn
Becca(at BrightHaven): james and mrs. mary cavanagh
Becca(at BrightHaven): front of the yard barn
Becca(at BrightHaven): so pastoral.
Becca(at BrightHaven): South of the Border!
Becca(at BrightHaven): South of the Border!
Becca(at BrightHaven): South of the Border!