Becca(at BrightHaven): Trip's start
Becca(at BrightHaven): my friend, the Garmin
Becca(at BrightHaven): The Garmin rocks
Becca(at BrightHaven): James looking at the Nantahala
Becca(at BrightHaven): Nantahala Outdoor Recreation Center
Becca(at BrightHaven): Hollyhocks at the NOC
Becca(at BrightHaven): Mist above the Nantahala
Becca(at BrightHaven): nasturtiums at the NOC
Becca(at BrightHaven): Forest Pansy Redbud at the NOC
Becca(at BrightHaven): Nantahala Outdoor Recreation Center
Becca(at BrightHaven): Indian pipes?
Becca(at BrightHaven): me actually on the trail
Becca(at BrightHaven): end of the trail video
Becca(at BrightHaven): victory photo!
Becca(at BrightHaven): leaving Nantahala :(
Becca(at BrightHaven): North Georgia