The Holding Coat: BETTY-PAGE-3D-PICTURE-BOOK-1989
The Holding Coat: ROCKETEER-3D-COMIC-BOOK-1-1991
The Holding Coat: UNDERGROUND-CLASSICS-3D-1990
The Holding Coat: JET_3D_ZONE_10_1988
The Holding Coat: 3D-ZONE-5-KRAZY-KAT-1987
The Holding Coat: 3D-ZONE-1-JEKYLL-HYDE-1987
The Holding Coat: LITTLE-NEMO-IN-3D-1-1987
The Holding Coat: BOZO-IN-3D-1987
The Holding Coat: TOR-3D-1-1986
The Holding Coat: 3D-THREE-STOOGES-2-1986
The Holding Coat: 3D-THREE-STOOGES-1-1986
The Holding Coat: GUMBY-3-D-1-1986
The Holding Coat: MS-TREES-3D-CRIME-1-1987
The Holding Coat: STEVE-CANYON-3D-1986
The Holding Coat: DICK-TRACY-IN-3D-1986
The Holding Coat: WILL-EISNERS-3D-CLASSICS-1985
The Holding Coat: AV-IN-3D-1-1984
The Holding Coat: SPACE-KAT-ETS-1-1953
The Holding Coat: 3-D-ELL-1-1953-pg-1
The Holding Coat: 3-D-ELL-1-1953
The Holding Coat: FELIX-THE-CAT-CAT-TALES-3D-1-1989
The Holding Coat: FELIX-THE-CAT-3-D-1-1953
The Holding Coat: MIGHTY-MOUSE-3D-3-1953
The Holding Coat: THREE-DIMENSION-COMICS-1-1953
The Holding Coat: ADVENTURES-IN-3D-1-1953
The Holding Coat: CAPTAIN-3D-1-1953
The Holding Coat: TRUE-3D-1-1953
The Holding Coat: 3D-BATMAN-1953
The Holding Coat: SUPERMAN-3D-1953-1997