Doug Lloyd: Snatch
Doug Lloyd: Jim Lake
Doug Lloyd: Fall Roses
Sindri Skúlason: Greylag-Goose (Grágæs)-12-B
Doug Lloyd: Youngster in Fun Light
deerluvr: Hunting for Breakfast
no thneeds needed: Callibaetis floridanus
Doug Lloyd: Having A Chat
tipper*: Mirrored
Jerry Ting: wtk with prey
m. geven: European Robin (Erithacus rubecula)
nature55: Happy Birthday Calamitylaine
salkazian: Birth of Corn
copeg: Vee Lake Sunrise
copeg: Prewitt Ridge
copeg: Duck for lunch
copeg: A Watchful Eye
hearman: Harris's Hawk
tipper*: Sphinx Moth
Walt K: Death Valley badlands
Jerry Ting: cliff swallow
feenixfotography: red-tailed hawk
wildphotons: Spread your wings and fly.
feenixfotography: bald eagle
Michael Pancier Photography: Storm Over Zion National Park
ms.lume: some such anchorage...
tanakawho: small fireworks
copeg: Being Watched