theharv58: tour concludes
theharv58: east along the lake
theharv58: Tommy Thompson Park in the distance
theharv58: island airport in the rain
theharv58: raining on the Roger's Centre
theharv58: northern view
theharv58: eastward
theharv58: towers and roads
theharv58: looking north east
theharv58: Union Station and ACC
theharv58: foggy sites
theharv58: nice high decks for a condo
theharv58: looking down the glass floor
theharv58: Hilton City Hall and a tall one
theharv58: IMG_1219
theharv58: lower observation1
theharv58: University of Toronto
theharv58: OCAD building on struts
theharv58: come the clouds and the rains
theharv58: as far as the eye can see
theharv58: CBC building
theharv58: towering condos
theharv58: big fans for that big building
theharv58: big fans
theharv58: distant apartments
theharv58: low rise buildings
theharv58: near by condos
theharv58: looking north west
theharv58: looking westward trains
theharv58: looking westward